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When the machines come out of the shed for planting and you find worn tires, the question always comes up: How long should my tires last and how can I make them run longer? “How the tires are utilized will determine the usable service life of a tire,” said Greg…

The Turn the Bag Blue & Gold program from Brevant seeds provides FFA students with the opportunity to gain industry experience and fundraise for their chapter. Once selected for the program, students from participating chapters can begin selling 200 special edition blue-and-gold bags of Brevant seeds for the following season.…

Ryan Hanrahan Politico’s Grace Yarrow reported Monday that “the Agriculture Department is expected to open applications for economic aid to farmers by the deadline of Friday.” “USDA chief Brooke Rollins promised farmers at the Commodity Classic at the beginning of March that the funds would be ready by that deadline.…

Proper tire inflation is one of the simplest and cheapest ways to create a noticeable impact on your farm’s fuel consumption. “You can actually save a lot of money by getting the right air pressure, because you’ll have the optimum footprint,” said Dusty Hininger, Firestone Ag field sales trainer. “Realistically,…

Model year 2026 Early Riser planters will have new features designed to help farmers know exactly what is happening with each row unit, according to Case IH.  Early Riser 2150 Conceal, a dual-band, two-by-two nutrient application system, will be factory-installed on Early Riser 2150 units, allowing for more precise placement…

At the close on Monday, May corn was up 2½¢ at $4.61 per bushel. May soybeans closed down less than a penny at $10.15½ per bushel. May CBOT wheat closed up 11½¢ at $5.68½ per bushel. May KC wheat was up 19½¢ at $6.05½. May Minneapolis wheat was up 13¼¢…