New Holland’s IntelliSense Sprayer Automation can be used for a wide variety of crops, and a number of full-season application functions.
The IntelliSense system features live variable rate and selective spray modes. It’s compatible with row crops like corn, soybeans, and cotton, as well as small grains like wheat and canola. Mid-season, farmers can use IntelliSense for applications like herbicide, fungicide, plant growth regulator, nitrogen, and harvest aid.
New Holland is launching IntelliSense with no annual subscription or per-acre fee.
“Operators and farmers are going to be able to optimize the return on their inputs and increase productivity both in terms of acres covered, and resulting crop uniformity and yield,” said Curtis Hillen, cash crop segment lead for New Holland. “IntelliSense Sprayer Automation is in a class of its own as the most versatile sense and act spray technology available.”
New Holland
Many other smart spraying technologies use multiple cameras mounted along the boom arms — IntelliSense uses just one mounted on top of the cab. The SenseApply camera is a multi-spectral vision system that continuously scans 50 feet ahead of the sprayer across the full width of the booms.
The forward-looking camera allows the system to generate quicker and longer leading assessments so operators can spray at higher speeds. While using Selective Spray functions, the sprayer can run at speeds up to 19 mph. While using variable rate applications, the sprayer can run at speeds up to 25 mph.
The IntelliSense system has a Selective Spray function offering two application types for herbicide: Spot Spraying and Base + Boost. Within both modes, farmers can alter sensitivity and coverage area to adjust the system’s responsiveness to weed size, and the target application area where a weed is detected.
Spot spraying uses green-on-brown functionality, detecting weeds less than 2 inches tall and activating the nearest nozzle to spray it. When broadcast spraying herbicide, Base + Boost mode applies a uniform base rate across the entire coverage width, and activates a localized boost when the SenseApply camera detects a weed.
IntelliSense also offers variable rate application (VRA) functions for full-season coverage. Functions include nitrogen VRA, plant growth regulator VRA, fungicide VRA, harvest aid VRA, and burndown VRA. VRA functions operate by automatically adjusting the amount of each input applied based on detected biomass health levels.
Product Testing
New Holland
In 2024, Kansas State University and CNH Industrial partnered to conduct field trials evaluating the IntelliSense Sprayer Automation’s nitrogen VRA function in corn. They found around 10% savings in applied nitrogen compared to a constant broadcast rate.
According to the testing, IntelliSense saves product — and therefore money — and extends the activity of that sprayer tank, allowing the operator to not have to stop to fill up as frequently. In testing, this makes a 1,600-gallon sprayer tank as effective as a 1,700-plus-gallon sprayer tank.
IntelliSense Sprayer Automation will be available factory-fit on model year 2026 Guardian series front boom sprayers — the SP310F, SP370F, and SP410F. For more information, visit