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Vans equipped somewhere between a doctor’s office and hospital, with an AI agent to guide medical generalists through unfamiliar diagnoses and procedures, could improve access to health care in rural areas. The Advanced Research Projects Agency for Health, or ARPA-H, is investing in the development of such a clinic, with the University of Michigan leading one of two large teams designing and building the AI component. Even before rural hospitals began scaling back services and shutting down, getting consistent medical care was challenging for people living in remote areas. The new program to improve access conjures Knight Rider crossed with…
As we celebrate National FFA Week, Successful Farming staff members recall their favorite memories and lessons learned in FFA. They all agree their experience gave them important skills and tools they use to this day. Stormy Miller National Account ExecutiveStuart, Iowa, West Central Valley FFA Chapter I owe a lot of thanks to my advisor and chapter for allowing me to find my place in the ag classroom and spark my passion for ag. Being the youngest of 3, I joined FFA because it was just ‘something we did.’ After attending Greenhand Camp my freshman year, I was immediately drawn…
By Leah Douglas Feb 13 (Reuters) – The U.S. Senate on Thursday voted to confirm Brooke Rollins, a longtime ally of President Donald Trump and former White House policy advisor who has expressed doubt about climate change, to lead the U.S. Department of Agriculture. Rollins will head an agency with 100,000 employees that oversees farm programs, food benefits, and school lunches. Her appointment comes at a time of low farm income, potential cuts to domestic food aid, and an aggressive campaign to reduce the federal workforce led by Elon Musk. The Senate voted 72 to 28 to confirm Rollins. The Senate Agriculture Committee held Rollins’ nomination hearing on January…
GRANDVIEW, Texas — Tony Coleman walked around a small part of his family’s 325-acre pasture behind his rural house calling for “Tank.” A Black Baldy bull eventually meandered up, and Coleman started to rub the bull’s face. “He just wants me to love on him,” Coleman said about the bull. “Daddy’s baby boy.” Tony and his wife, Karen, bottle-fed Tank in their garage after the bull’s mother died during birth. Talking about their poisoned land that has led to at least 47 cows and calves dying from problems like liver disease, the Colemans are emotional about their fear for Tank’s…
In an apparent effort to distance itself from recent criticism and scandal, the animal-activist organization known as the Humane Society of the United States (HSUS) has formally implemented a name change this month, now being called Humane World for Animals. Chief among the complaints that the nonprofit has long endured is that it doesn’t actually have a connection to local Humane Societies — rather, it has piggy-backed off of the good work of local shelters, allowing that name recognition to help bring in roughly $170 million a year in donations — a hefty chunk of change that could be compromised…
By Ana Mano SAO PAULO, Feb 13 (Reuters) – Crop agency Conab on Thursday raised its forecast for total Brazilian grain supplies in the 2024/25 season to 325.71 million metric tons from 322.25 million tons based on expectations of a bigger corn crop. Conab said Brazil’s total corn crop will reach 122.01 million tons, up almost 2.5 million tons from a January forecast. The revision reflected mainly better prospects for the country’s second corn crop, which is planted after soybeans are harvested in the same areas and represents about three quarters of supplies in a given year. To date, conditions…
With the beginning of spring right around the corner, now is the perfect time to start planning for a healthy garden. An important step you can take toward thriving flower beds, vegetables, or other plants is to consider how to stop plant disease before it starts. There are several ways to ensure this year’s garden plants don’t get sick from last year’s pathogens. Check out these disease-prevention tips from three experts to get a head start on your healthiest garden ever. Disinfect Seeds Before Planting USDA Managing disease in the vegetable garden starts with the seeds. There are bacterial and…
A cloche is a glass bell jar that is set over individual plants, acting as a mini greenhouse and extending the growing season, especially in cooler regions. This raised garden bed is built with a cover, essentially a cloche that covers an entire bed! It is best suited for growing tomatoes, peppers, eggplants, melons, and other crops that need to be planted after danger of frost and generally mature late in the season, or for getting the season started early while frost is still a possibility. Follow these directions to build a structure approximately 8 feet long and 4 feet…
When you think of heirlooms, things like your grandmother’s wedding ring or the family Bible probably come to mind. These are wonderful keepsakes, but they can only go to one person at a time. Another kind of heirloom, however, has limitless sharing possibilities: seeds. The definition of a true heirloom plant is up for debate. Sarah Browning, educator in Lancaster County for University of Nebraska Extension, said, “Many authorities classify any cultivar developed before 1951 as an heirloom.” That was the year plant breeders introduced the first hybrid vegetable cultivars. Many varieties can be traced back hundreds of years. All…
At the close on Wednesday, March corn was up 6¼¢ at $4.90¼ per bushel. March soybeans closed down 15¾¢ at $10.27¾ per bushel. March wheat contracts were also lower. CBOT wheat was down 2¾¢ at $5.74¼ per bushel. KC wheat was down 1¼¢ at $5.91½ per bushel. Minneapolis wheat was down 3½¢ at $6.14¾ per bushel. April live cattle ended the day down 28¢ at $195.73 per hundredweight (cwt). March feeder cattle closed up 20¢ at $264.98 per cwt. April lean hogs ended the day up $1.35 at $94.33 per cwt. At a quarter to 4 p.m. CT, March crude…