Take look at three farmland transactions that transpired in October 2024.

90.71 acres in Pottawattamie County, Iowa

Date: Oct. 4, 2024

Price: $17,900 per acre

Located about 20 miles northeast of Omaha, Nebraska, 90.71 acres sold via timed online auction. This farm consisted of 82.41 Farm Service Agency cropland acres, holding a Corn Suitability Rating Index (CSR2) value of 91.1, well above the Pottawattamie County average of 68.4. The auction concluded at a final sale price of $17,900 per acre or $216 per CSR2 point.

448.09 acres in Clay County, Minnesota

Date: Oct. 30, 2024

Price: $5.4 million

Located within the eastern border of the Red River Valley, 448.09 acres were sold at live auction. This farm boasted a productive soil rating in the 90s across the board. The property sold as five tracts, with 291 acres being contiguous. The sale concluded with a sale price of almost $5.4 million, subject to final survey.

319.81 acres in DeWitt County, Illinois

Date: Oct. 29, 2024

Price: $5.3 million

A total of 319.81 acres of cropland generally located northwest of Champaign, sold via public auction. Holding Class A soils of Ipava and Sable silty clay loam, these acres have historically boasted corn yields of 256 bushels per acre (bpa), and soybean yields as high as 93 bpa. Additionally, this property held four actively-producing oil wells. On auction day, the farm sold for $5.3 million.

Produced in partnership with American Farmland Owner (AFO). AFO aims to help landowners make informed decisions for their farmland while ensuring the prosperity of American agriculture.


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