Support is growing among agriculture stakeholders for the LIP Payment Improvement Act, a proposed legislation introduced by U.S. Sens. Mike Rounds (R-S.D.) and Amy Klobuchar (D-Minn.).

The bill, introduced earlier this year, aims to offer ranchers fairer market prices for livestock disaster assistance by requiring the Farm Service Agency to update Livestock Indemnity Program payment rates quarterly to reflect current market conditions.

The LIP provides crucial support to eligible livestock owners and contract growers who suffer abnormal livestock losses due to severe weather, disease, or other adverse events. Currently, the FSA updates LIP payment rates annually, but the LIP Payment Improvement Act seeks to ensure that payment rates more accurately reflect the ever-changing livestock market by mandating quarterly updates.

Rounds emphasized the importance of fair compensation for livestock producers who face losses due to unforeseen circumstances.

“Producers deserve to be paid a fair and updated market price for their livestock when tragedy strikes,” Rounds said.

Klobuchar added that ranchers often make significant financial investments in their livestock and need a safety net that accurately reflects the market value of any lost animals.

“This bipartisan legislation will ensure ranchers have a safety net that more accurately reflects the market value of any lost livestock,” she stated.

Smokehouse Creek Fire
Image by Katlyn Butler

In addition to the U.S. Senate, the bill has garnered support in the House, where a companion bill was introduced by Rep. Randy Feenstra (R-Iowa). The legislation has been included in both the U.S. House Agriculture Committee’s version of the Farm Bill, which has passed out of committee, and in the majority and minority frameworks for the Senate Agriculture Committee’s Farm Bill, currently awaiting markup.

Various agricultural organizations, including the National Cattlemen’s Beef Association, the South Dakota Farmers Union, and the South Dakota Stockgrowers Association, have welcomed the proposed changes. These groups recognize the importance of timely and accurate compensation for livestock losses in sustaining producers’ operations.

Texas Farm Bureau has also voiced its support, with Laramie Adams, TFB associate director of Government Affairs, highlighting the urgent need for timely and fair compensation. “The need for timely and fair compensation becomes more urgent as Texas ranchers continuously feel the impacts of natural disasters,” Adams said. “This is a critical update that will provide the flexibility needed to address future challenges posed by severe weather.”

The LIP Payment Improvement Act is seen as a vital step toward providing ranchers with a more responsive safety net, ensuring they receive fair market value for their livestock when disasters strike. The inclusion of this provision in both the House and Senate versions of the Farm Bill underscores its significance to the agricultural community.


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