Successful Farming is once again partnering with Kluis Commodity Advisors on a planting intentions survey.

Later this month, USDA will release the annual Prospective Plantings report. The report will give an overview of how many acres of various crops U.S. farmers are expected to plant this year, primarily based on survey responses. The report is known to cause market volatility. Farmers who participate in the free Kluis/Successful Farming Planting Intensions survey will gain early insight that could help them establish market positions ahead of the USDA report. 

This anonymous survey asks farmers how many corn, soybean, and wheat acres they intend to plant in 2025. It also asks about 2024 planted and prevent plant acres.

All who participate will receive the results, as well as exclusive analysis and options market recommendations from the Kluis team. With this insight, participants can make early market decisions before the USDA report is made public. 

Click here to participate in the survey. The deadline to participate is 12 p.m. CT on March 22. Results and insights will be shared on March 26. USDA’s Prospective Plantings report is expected at 11 a.m. CT on Monday, March 31. 

Note: All individual data will be kept confidential. Only aggregate data will be released.


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