Thirty-seven FFA members have been chosen to compete for national office at the 97th National FFA Convention and Expo this October, marking a significant milestone in their leadership journeys and showcasing their commitment to FFA and agriculture.

The process to become a national officer is arduous. It takes a highly motivated individual to become a successful national FFA officer — an opportunity afforded to only six FFA members every year.

In May, State FFA staff initiated the national officer candidate application process. The candidates — each state FFA association can submit one individual member annually — take part in an extensive interview with the National FFA Officer Nominating Committee. The committee is composed of students who interview and select the national officers.

It takes a highly motivated person to become a successful National FFA Officer — an opportunity afforded to few members. Becoming a national officer requires members to learn about their passions and gain a better understanding of what life as a national officer is like. The life of a national officer is nonstop hard work and never-ending commitments, but it is a life-changing experience — one they will cherish forever.

The primary responsibility of a national officer is to serve the organization in local, state, national, and international activities in a way that will inform, motivate, and inspire FFA members, advisors, state staff, teachers, and others to achieve the mission, strategies and core goals of the organization.

FFA Officer Candidates
Image by National FFA Organization

Congratulations to the following members who will run for a position on the 2024-25 National FFA Officer Team:

  • Sidney Casillas,Arizona
  • Reese Mitchell, Arkansas
  • Abigale Jacobsen ,California
  • Ryer Roberts, Colorado
  • Breana Butkievich, Connecticut
  • Noah Dixon, Delaware
  • Makenleigh Bledsoe, Florida
  • Jack Lingenfelter, Georgia
  • Josiah Knapp, Idaho
  • Thaddeus Bergschneider, Illinois
  • Carson Rudd, Indiana
  • William Vlasek, Iowa
  • Sage Toews, Kansas
  • Caroline Groth, Kentucky
  • Colton Conley, Louisiana
  • Amelia Pillis, Maine
  • Brandon Boyer, Maryland
  • Lillian Nyland, Michigan
  • Miriana Eiden, Minnesota
  • Hunter Adkins, Mississippi
  • Morgan Watkins, Missouri
  • Jake Chulyak, Montana
  • Gabriella Minoletti, Nevada
  • Mirhonda Good, New Mexico
  • Ella Underberg, New York
  • Madeline Chandler, North Carolina
  • Luke Jennings, Ohio
  • Kylee Falasco, Oklahoma
  • Jael Cruikshank, Oregon
  • Crystal Bomgardner, Pennsylvania
  • Drake Ariail, South Carolina
  • Ella Stiefvater, South Dakota
  • Faith Cook, Tennessee
  • Chloe Seitz ,Utah
  • Grace Walbroehl, Virginia
  • Garrett Ammons, West Virginia
  • Mary Schrieber, Wisconsin

»Related: Meet the newly elected 2023-24 National FFA Officer team


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